Polar Vortex Expedition – The Lost Logbook

polar-vortex-smPolar Vortex Day One

It snowed today.  Thermometer reads -1, with wind chill it’s -25.  Stuck inside with both kids, they cancelled school.  Am keeping up spirits by playing video games and leading them in song.  Hope to make it through the day.

Polar Vortex Day Two

No snow.  Sunny.  Even colder.  Wind chill at -30.  Cancelled school again.  Kids are excited not to have school, and are whispering to each other in the other room.  I think they may be plotting against me.  Desperate times call for desperate measures. Am pulling out all the art supplies and Monopoly and googling the lyrics to FROZEN.

Polar Vortex Day Three

LIttle warmer today.    They had school today, but on a two hour delay.  Only gives me three hours at home until the little monsters are back.   Am taking the time to try to find the living room underneath the stacks of comic books, legos, balls, gymnastics equipment, snow pants and sleds.  Stepped on a Skylanders figure, slipped and fell and it was like quicksand, the piles of snow gear and spelling lists pulling me down, down under…managed to grab the cord to the vacuum cleaner and pull myself free.

Polar Vortex Day Four

Cold, so cold.  Five below when we woke up.  Still can’t go outside. All of their friends are sick at home, so no playdates, no matter how much I scream and beg their parents.  Wifi and cable is out, the kids throw things at me when I sing, the video games are all broken and we are out of peanut butter.  Cats have mysteriously disappeared.  My wife and I have decided to sleep in shifts.

Polar Vortex Day Five

Still cold.  Doors to the house frozen shut.  Don’t know if anyone outside is still alive or if the rest of the world has frozen. Twitter our only link to the outside world.  We’ve barricaded ourselves in our bedroom with the bed warmers.   Someone keeps screaming outside our door, don’t know if it’s the cat or one of the kids, but scared to open the door.

Polar Vortex Day Six

It’s OVER, thank the good lord above.  Temperatures are a balmy 13 degrees outside, no school delay, and the forecast is for warmer temperatures all week.   Friends coming over after school for a playdate, and children will be at school all day.  Cable and Wifi back on, video games working.  Will make it to Wegmans to restock our peanut butter supplies.

Polar Vortex Day Seven

NOOOOOO!!!  We had 15 inches of snow, the electricity is out and they cancelled school again.  Cable and Wifi out too.  The children are banging their swim noodles (which they shouldn’t have inside!!) on the floor in unison.  SLAP, slap, slap, slap SLAP, slap, slap, slap SLAP…this may prove to be my last log entry.  If you don’t hear from me, please send new video games and tell my wife I

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